Bhaarath during his 1st week and now...
My second son, Bhaarata may not have grown in my tummy, but he grew in my heart and my soul. He was truly a gift from God! We took the eventful journey to receive him, my husband, my oldest son and I. It was such a nerve wrecking moment as I already loved him when we decided to take that journey. I remember the nurse bringing him down and he was wearing this yellow t-shirt and cute socks and a pair of white special shoes for his special feet. I did not want to carry him until I was certain that he was going to be mine, as I cant imagine holding him and not having him. My husband held him first and fell in love with him, Arjoonha decided at 4 years old that he is the baby brother for him. I was the last to carry him, and I was trying my best not to cry but then again emotions got the better of me. What was worst was we were not able to take him home that day. When we left it was heartbreaking as I was leaving my son behind. It was such a long night...The next morning we went back and we received him, and this time I carried him, and held him tight, and said a quick good bye and dashed into the car and felt strange having this little boy on my lap. He was very quiet and I was kissing his head all the time, to assure him that all will be okay. I was not sure if I could love another as I love my Arjoonha. But as I held him I know I have nothing to worry as I felt all the love and more. When we reached home it was all so surreal. He just lied down and slept on our couch. That night I kept on checking the baby court to see if he was for real and really there in the room with us. I saw him sleeping soundly, my husband and I kept on carrying him throught the night. And I loved him from that first moment and I love him even more now...