Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Monday Blues..House and Holiday///

Yesterday I had a serious bout of Monday blues. I really mean blues! My colleagues can vouch for this. I was feeling down for no reason,sad for no reason and my spirit was truly low. Came back home and was cheered with the faces of my boys. I was saved by the prayer session we had that night, which made me feel immediately better. The power of prayers... I felt my spirit being refreshed and gladdened. So today I am back with better spirit and goodwill. Yahoo, we are signing the S&P tomorrow to seal the purchase of the house; it is 17 days with no TV in my house. Still contemplating if I should introduce it after 21 days or drag it to another 30 days. And I am also looking forward to our holiday next month to Cameron Highlands...Okay it may not be New Zealand but a holiday nevertheless! No pictureslah today...let me see if I can get something on Cameron Higlands..


EarlGirl said...

Prayer helps me so much too. When life is crazy or upsetting it brings me so much peace.

Anonymous said...

Yaa my dear...it works wonders... Nothing can overcome the power of prayers...something you thought me to experience

FleetingMoments said...

Hi earlgirl, nice having you at my site.